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International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC)

Editor-in-Chief: Akbar Esmaeili, PhD

Online ISSN: 2228-5547

Print ISSN: 2228-5970

Publishes Quarterly


Publisher Change Announcement:

Since the publication of Issue 2, Volume 14 (October 2023), the International Journal of Industrial Chemistry has been published by OICC Press (, and manuscript submission can be made via this link:

OICC Press Contact details:

Address: Stroud Court, Oxford Road, Eynsham, Witney, OX29 4DA, Oxfordshire, UK.

Tel: +44 1865 884350

E-mail address: [email protected]

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SCImago Journal & Country Rank

We want to extend our gratitude to the authors, editors, and reviewers whose efforts helped us achieve this milestone!

International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC) [ISSN: 2228-5970, E-ISSN: 2228-5547] is an open-access, free of charge and peer-reviewed journal published every three months (four issues per year) by the OICC Press and distributed in the world is an international scientific journal.

Journal DOI:  10.57647/IJIC

Journal Abbreviation: Int J Ind Chem

Journal Title Acronym: IJIC

Owner: Islamic Azad University

We are now utilising the ScholarOne ManuscriptsTM platform ( to enhance the submission and peer-review processes. This change has streamlined our operations and will make your experience as an author/reviewer more efficient.

The new Editor-in-chief and Director-in-charge have started their work at the IJIC on 5th October 2023.

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