Semiannual Journal of Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.) is an international, single-blind, open access and peer-review journal. Accepted manuscripts will not be subject to any page charges and article processing charges. We encourage all researchers, professors, experts and practitioners to submit their original work and papers to the GCR journal. The journal grants all users free, worldwide and perpetual access and was fully funded by IAUniversity –Isfahan Branch. The new publisher of the journal is OICC Press.
Journal DOI: 10.57647/gcr
Journal Abbreviation: Geoconserv Res
Journal Title Acronym: GCR
Owner: Islamic Azad University
Impact factor: 0.5 (2022)
Call for Papers: Special Issue on ” Geoconservation and Museums” The aim of this special issue is to explore how museums can improve and encourage knowledge of the scientific importance, and ongoing conservation, education, geoheritage and geotourism aspects of geological visitors of regional and international significance. You may submit the paper promptly, and not later than August 31st, 2024, and we will publish articles online as soon as they have been reviewed and revised and then put the volume together after everything has arrive. Submission URL: Guest Editor: Dr. Sarah King, Curator of Natural Sciences at York Museums Trust Email: [email protected] Lead Editor: Professor Michael J. Benton Editor in Chief, University of Bristol, UK Email: [email protected]
Aim and Scopes of Geoconserv. Res.:
This journal is a member of COPE and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)(
Geoconservation Research has been indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index
Note: The previous URL of the journal was
The repatriation of geological specimens can be regarded as a barometer of the progress of decolonization. The ongoing proactive repatriation of four dinosaur eggs and a Confuciusornis sanctus specimen from the Manchester Museum to China is discussed. Except for this example, proactive repatriation of geological specimens does not yet happen. This paper is a call […]
In 2023, the geological collection at Kendal Museum in north-west England was redisplayed to (i) draw attention to Kendal’s links to the earliest geological exploration of the English Lake District and (ii) provide an accessible guide to current interpretations of that area’s complex geology. The project, although implemented by a professional geological design partnership, was […]