Since the publication of Issue 2, Volume 7 (November 2023), the Anthropogenic Pollution has been published by OICC Press (, and manuscript submission can be made via this link:
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Journal DOI: 10.57647/AP
Journal Abbreviation: Anthropog pollut
Journal Title Acronym: AP
In this research, using research-descriptive methods and using data from the years 2012-2022 of meteorology and air pollution in Tabriz city, the correlation of meteorological factors and their effect on the level of air pollution in Tabriz city was investigated and zoning maps were presented. Based on the results of the research, high amounts of […]
The present applied research aimed to model energy management in office buildings of District 5 Municipality of Tehran, Iran. The components affecting energy consumption were extracted via an integrated approach (including in-depth survey and semi-structured interviews with experts) using coding method and prioritized by Analytic hierarchy process and Expert Choice. The proposed model was fitted […]
The purpose of this study was the environmental pollution risk assessment of urban underground public space development in Tehran (Iran). This applied research was conducted by survey and mixed methods in two phases: estimating risk potentials using Environmental Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (EFMEA), and Delphi Technique. The results identified 12 different environmental risks for […]